Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Congratulations Grad!!

My wonderful brother Cameron graduated on June 19th 2010!! It was a great day. Grandpa Child was there and Aunt Sara and her family came. and we had a surprise visit from our great friends the Ochoas! It was so sweet for them to come. Cameron is good friends with their son Delfor. Overall it was a great experience for everyone, and I am glad I have such a great brother to look up to!

The view from where we were sitting

All the family!

Cameron with Bro. Ochoa and Delfor

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kelsey's Got Some Soccer Skillz

So this year Kelsey joined the 3rd grade Pioneer Valley girls soccer team and had a great time! Her team just finished their season undefeated! We are all very proud of her for her dedication and hard work on the team! Here are some pictures from the season!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

To start off Easter weekend on Saturday we went to our neighborhood's annual Easter egg hunt! Its always a lot of fun. This year was the first year Kelsey was the only one in our family participating (Felicity is to old now). After that we went home and finished conference. On Sunday we watched conference and then had Easter dinner at our friends house. It was delicious! We had a great Easter, hope you did too!
Wow! She got so much!!!!
She won a Prize!
Returning with her loot!
Happy Easter everyone!

Fancy Nancy Tea Party

Last month I took Kelsey to a Fancy Nancy tea party. I saw it in the newspaper and thought it would be a fun activity for me and my sweetie! It was at the Tacoma public library. I forgot my camera when i went and a nice lady volunteered to take some pictures of Kelsey and send them to my email! She was so sweet. There was a girl dressed up like Fancy Nancy that was adorable, and they had yummy cookies and tea( it was really juice). It was so fun! Here's some of the pictures!!!
Kelsey with her tea and cookie!
Kelsey and her Fancy Nancy doll!
Fancy Nancy!

All the fancy girls listening to the story!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Felicity's a Cheerleader!

Yestersay we found out that I made the cheer squad! I was babysittng so at five my mom and Kelsey came over and we called the number and they said that me and Sadie both made it! I am soooo happy! When i got home we had a little party. Then we went to one of our favorite resturaunts for banana splits! And to our suprise it was karaoke night! it was a ton of fun to watch! And I got up and sang the song Yellow by Coldplay. overall yesterday was an awesome day!!!!
The sign they hung outside our house when i got home from babysitting!
Mom and dad got me a couple of presents. A pillow for all of the away games i will cheer at and a purple water bottle and some purple earrings since Liberty's colors are purple silver and black.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Show Choir Party/April Fools Day

For those of you who didnt know, Felicity is in show choir at BJH. And the past month has been crazy!!! So the show choir had a party!!!! They wore there PJ'S and ate lots of junk food. they also played lots of silly games.....such as "who can throw thew chunk of brownie the farthest" and "pin the whole note on the staff" also we played "who can blow the balloon up the largest in 1 breath".
Felicity and her friend Zach
"pin the note on the staff"
Felicity, Her balloon named "A person", and Mrs. Wickman"
"who can blow up the balloon largest in 1 breath"
John bring well, John...lol
Felicity and her Friends
Felicity and her friend Hannah
Junk Food
Also today was april fools day! There were lots of hilarious pranks throughout the day! The drama club put bunny ears on the drama teachers car, also at 1:00 everyone in choir fell over and started acting like they were having seizures. Also in math class at the end of the period everyone flipped over the desks and left them for the next class to be very confused! Happy April Fool's Day!
Mrs. Wickmans Car

Math Class prank!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cheer Update 3

Hey its Felicity! So yesterday was Final Cuts. My team did great. I dont find out if i made the final team until next saturday so i will fill you in then. Heres some pictures from final cuts!

Team Liberty!
(Me, Kelsey, and Sadie)

Me and my friend Marisa
( she's the one who convinced me to try out in the first place)

Me and My friends Kaitlin and Marisa

Me My Friends Brooke And Sadie

Me and my Friend Sadie

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cheer Update 2

Hi, Again its felicity:) and i have good newws for you! I made it past 1st cuts!!!! It was the most terrifying thing i have ever done! I thought i was going to hurl:( but i guess i did good. everyone made it past first cuts which was good. So ill update you on tuesday. Heres a picture of me and sadie after the tryouts. P.S. if you look closely youll see our shirts we made:)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cheer Update

So its Felicity again:) im halfway through the cheer tryouts and im loving it! I have made a great new friend doing it named Brooke. Brookes in my group for cheer, along with my friend from church Sadie Hontz. We have made shirts and shorts and bows for us to wear when we tryout. I personally think there ah-mazing!!!! I will now post pictures of them:)
This is what the front of our shirts look like(this one is sadie's)

Back of shirts (they are supposed to represent our persinality)
The bows we made
On the bottom corner of the shorts we put our initials in glitter

Back of the shorts

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thanks for voting Yes!!!

So one day before the Bethel levy vote, Jamie, Felicity, and Kelsey held up "Yes Bethel Kids" signs on the corner of 176th and Meridian. Her advisory teacher asked for her help holding the signs and she agreed to offer up her services. We all had alot of fun. Felicity and Kelsey liked trying to get people who passed by in there cars to honk. They had a little contest seeing who could get the most honks, FELICITY WON!!!! It was a fun experience for everyone.


Hey there its Felicity!! Moms busy as usual so im updating you. So guess what Cameron finally got his lisence!!!!! He passed with a 90% and he passed on his first time....whoa i know right AWESOME!!!!!! Were all very proud of him! Tonight to celebrate ,our family and Cameron's BFF Spencer Dickson, all went out to modoo teriyaki. It was delicious. Cameron's very excited for this acomplishment and feels very independent now. Ohh my big brothers growing up! Feels like just yesterday we were playing hide and seek together.... oh maybe we were....jkjk. but he is growing up. to honor him and his accomplishment i will post some childhood pictures of him.

Felicity's play Annie